God's Mercy and Grace Saved My Life

When I was a young adult, I experienced a life threatening illness, resulting in an emergency surgical procedure. Prior to the surgical procedure, I was in severe pain for three days. The purpose of the surgical procedure was to increase circulation to my heart. I received blood transfusions and intravenous fluids for several days. I made a promise to God, but failed to keep it. Yet, his mercy and grace spared my life.

God has said, "Without me, you can do nothing." I had tried to live my life without him. During a one-night -stand, I got into some trouble. I realize I can't make it without God's protection. In my early twenties, I gave my life to Jesus Christ.

The road hasn't been easy for me. I have overcome many challenges to my health, through the power of God's mercy and grace. I was diagnosed with a heart condition and wore a heart monitor and was on heart medication, God healed my heart.  He restored the strength in my right arm, and the ability to use it again, after having lost both the strength and use of it.

I have been admitted several times to the hospital for lock jaws. This is a condition that causes severe pain and the person is unable to speak. God's mercy and grace, have given me the power to defeat everyone of these challenges. Presently, I'm living a celebrated life, enjoying my work and family.

_Missionary- Hazel M. Mason

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